
The Spirit In Man

All people have a non-physical component in them that sets mankind apart from the animal kingdom. That spirit imparts reason and intellect to mankind.

Settled on Their Lees

At the end of this Age, during the Day of the Lord, God searches out and punishes "the men being settled on their lees", what does this mean? And how do we ensure it does not apply to us?

Artificial Intelligence & You

Technology continues to advance at breakneck speed. New inventions increasingly influence our world. One area of development that has come to the forefront of late is Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its emergence, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and other…

In the News...Exercise Boosts Your Brain Power

In a recent study of grade school students, the fittest students had the best test scores.

Are You Ready for a Flat Earth?

High school education in the United States has been on the decline for several years. What are the keys obtaining a good education, regardless of where you live?

Just For Youth- Tests

You can learn more from tests than you might think.

Artificial Intelligence

Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can AI help us solve our chronic problems?