Up close image of a peacock's feather, showing one of its eyes in particular

How the Amazing Peacock's Feather Refutes Evolution

The ornate beauty of a peacock's feather isn't random, and didn't fit any of the proposed explanations by Darwinists.

God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Winter 2019

Talk about variety! There is something for everyone in our winter issue of Compass Check magazine. Vaping is in the news across the U.S., and a new writer to CC has written a very informative article about this new health...
Jay Richards

Interview With Intelligent Design Proponent Jay Richards

Dr. Richards discusses the history of the intelligent design movement and how recent areas of research increasingly point to a Designer.
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Fall 2019

Get ready for the upcoming Holy Days with our feature article this issue. It describes how God designed each Holy Day to illuminate a part of His plan that includes us and ultimately the whole world. And don't miss Part...

They are Without Excuse

In Romans 1:18-32 Paul tells the Romans that mankind in general has no good reason for denying our great creator God. Come prepared to discuss the myriad aspects of God's design.

New Proofs of God's Existence

What are the four world views that explain the existence of God? There have been recent discoveries by the scientific community to affirm that God exists. Still, other scientists will refute and deny these new findings to remain steadfast with…

Greatness of the Returning God

How great is Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things? On the Feast of Trumpets, Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses details about God's creation that show His astounding creativity.
A large jellyfish swimming in the deep blue ocean.

A Scientist's Journey to God

We may have heard it said that science and God are incompatible. But that isn’t the case, as this scientist shows how studying her chosen field has helped develop a deeper relationship with God.

My geology tutor challenged my belief that we all come from Adam and Eve by claiming they only had two sons. How can I defend my belief?

My geology tutor tried to prove to me that we all evolved. I told him that I believe we all came from Adam and Eve. He said that Adam and Eve only had two sons, Cain and Abel. He then...