Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is praying on the behalf of others for their needs.


Communication - A Key to Successful Relationships

Prayer, sharing our thoughts of mind and heart with God, is the key to all successful relationships. Prayer builds relationships.
Two men praying together.

What is Intercessory Prayer?

What do you think about when you pray? Are your prayers about the problems you are having? Or perhaps you pray to give thanks for the blessings God has granted you. Both of those are very common types of prayers...

A Pattern of Prayers for Others

Summary for message given on March 23,2019 by Mr. James Malizia: In considering our personal prayer life… do we ask our self “for whom am I interceding? Can I do this better? Are there others & their needs that I…

Christ Our High Priest, Mediator and Intercessor

How would you like to spend a day at the awesome site of God’s throne in the third heaven? What would it be like to see all the interaction between God, Jesus Christ and all the angels? Our elder brother…

Are You An Intercessor?

We are encouraged to pray daily, but on what are our prayers focased? In this sermon message, Bob McCurdy discusses our need to be "intercessors".

What are YOU going to do about it?

With tragedies like school, church and synagogue shootings happening on a regular basis, what should we as Christians do about it? We know that evil will only be removed at the return of Jesus Christ, so what should we do…

How is Your Prayer Life?

Prayer is a tool for spiritual growth of a Christian. What is the purpose of prayer and what can be done to make our prayer lives better.

What is Meant by Intercessory Prayer?

How to pray on behalf of someone else, a way that can make a difference in the lives of others.

Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a privilege and responsibility each Christian has been given by Our Heavenly Father. It pertains to friend and foe alike as presented in Job 42 and in Christ¹s Passover intercessory prayer in John 17. Simply stated, the…
Media Production

Intercessory Prayer: Part 3

Intercessory prayer – praying for this world and even interceding as we can before God and asking His guidance upon the nations of the world and for one another – is a very important key to understanding the greatness of...