
Unity of Faith Through God's Spirit

God is the Creator of unity of purpose. In our church there is both a unity of faith and a diversity of cultures that should be appreciated and respected. Both elements are needed to be balanced if we are to…

Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

International Area Update

This is an update on various international areas of the church and what some of the major issues they are having to deal with in their areas. It was originally given by Jorge de Campos at the GCE. The video…

International Perspective

This is an update on various international areas of the church and what some of the major issues they are having to deal with in their areas. It was originally given by Jorge de Campos at the GCE. The video…

Reengineering Babel

Language is tricky business. Global corporations and the European Union have turned to translation technology to bring breakthroughs in the language barriers laid down at Babel.

In Brief... World News Review

Viruses know no borders.

God's Way An Adventure Abroad

Ever think God’s way of life was cramping your style? Keeping you from doing all those fun things in life? Or maybe limiting your success? Think again. I interviewed two former exchange students, both of whom are striving to live...