
Daniel 7

The Book of Daniel contains prophecies that are to occur in the future leading into the end-time of this age. Daniel interpreted the Babylonian king's dreams after God revealed their meanings to him. He lived in that pagan land but…

Cultivating a Proper Attitude Towards God's Word

Many people read the bible... many people study it... but few truly understand. This message will explain how attitude can help or hinder a persons level of biblical understanding.

Influence in Our Beliefs

The environment, our upbringing, and our perspective can greatly influence our beliefs and scriptural interpretation.

How To Get More From Your Bible

Get more from your bible… have an action plan to read it and dig deeper. Do this and you’ll get more from Church services, more from sermons you hear and God's word will improve your life.

The Greatest Commandment

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 7/6/19 One of the most well-known passages in all Judaism, the “Shema Yisrael” from Deuteronomy 6:4, is also the passage that Jesus Christ used to define the Greatest Commandment. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth examines Christ’s instruction…

Here a Little and There a Little

I hope to show that difficulties in understanding the Bible comes from, assumptions, miss-translations and preconceived ideas. And that one must follow certain points in order to properly interpret the bible.

Improving Our Bible Study

Communication is one of the fundamentals in developing a relationship with God. Studying God’s Word serves as a vital part of that communication process. Yet, as with any relationship, we can falter in this process and as a result our…

The Word of Truth

Are the fundamentals of Christianity open to different interpretations? Can a Christian have abstract expression?


Context is everything. Without context, we lose out on important meaning and understanding.

How Should We Interpret Scripture?

By putting together all the scriptures on a given subject, we allow the Bible to interpret itself and give us a complete and coherent view of God's instruction on specific areas of life.