
Sound Tradition

Does it matter if we observe men's traditions or God's holy days?
Roman Venus statue

Gender Blurring in Pagan Worship

Crossdressing existed in ancient pagan worship—prominent being that of the Babylonian Ishtar, goddess of love, war, fertility and sex, called Inanna in Sumerian. The Israelites in their apostasies worshipped this goddess under the name Ashtoreth and by the title “Queen...
Decorative eggs in grass.

How Christian Is Easter?

Soon up to 2 billion people will celebrate one of the world’s most popular religious holidays—Easter. But curiously, the Bible nowhere promotes such an observance. Where did this day come from? How did it become so popular? And is it...
What Does Easter Really Commemorate?

What Does Easter Really Commemorate?

You might be surprised! Discover the truth of the surprising story behind one of the world's most popular religious holidays.

Is Easter Tradition or Truth?

Is Easter an ancient religious tradition skillfully created to convert the pagans or does it actually come from your Bible? Does it make any difference when Jesus was resurrected as long as we believe that He was?

Does Easter Change Jesus' Resurrection?

Most Christians view Easter as the most solemn Christian holiday of the year and believe that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday, at sunrise. But was Jesus resurrected on Easter, and does it matter to God?

A Surprising Truth

There's much more to Christ's resurrection than watching a sunrise on Easter morning, probably the only occasion when most people even think about the resurrection.