
Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Is Christmas Christian?

Have you ever considered if Jesus Christ was actually born on December 25?

A Tiny Speck of Wood

Our first reaction when faced with a glaring sin in our lives is often to ignore it and wish it would go away on its own. What happens though when we refuse to face it directly, deal with it and...

Bush Promises Israel Will Not Fall


Bush To the Middle East


Three Critical Observations about the Aftermath of the Hezbollah-Israel War

There are three specific observations in the wake of the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel War that point in the direction of future events.

Grasscatcher (Updated 3/17)


What's Behind the Rising European Superstate?

While the world focuses on the continuing violence in the Middle East, prophetically significant events are transpiring in Europe. On Friday, June 13, the Convention on the Future of Europe completed its work of drafting a new constitution for the...