
Trouble in the Wilderness

This message draws lessons from the familiar story of Israel’s trouble in the wilderness. In the wilderness where they tempted God; we are in the wilderness of this world. Our human nature is of this world, and we cannot live…

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

The Cost of Ignorance

Ignorance has a terribly high price tag—but understanding and overcoming it can really pay off.

Between the Harvests

As I was preparing for the Feast, I studied the harvest seasons of the Holy Land, and I tried to visualize the life of an Israelite living in the land of Canaan.
Confusion Over Noah

Confusion Over Noah

Was the story of Noah based on other mythical stories, or were these stories actually a retelling of a real historic event?