
God Has A Plan - Lessons From the Story of Joseph

God has a Plan! In this split-sermon before the webcast audience of the Atlanta and Buford congregation, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in both churches, shows how God worked out his plan for Israel over hundreds of years. This culminated…

The Rise and Fall of Israel - Part 1

Do you ever read the Bible and wonder how the nation of Israel of the Old Testament became the nation of Israel today. In part 1 of this series of messages, we'll look at how Israel came into being, rose…

Waiting and Wrestling

Lessons from the life of Jacob. Jacob's relationship with God had a progression from being His father's God to His God.

The Life of Jacob and Some of His Family

Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, had a promise made by God to have many descendants, just as the stars in the sky. Abraham's son, Isaac, had twin boys, Esau and Jacob with his wife Rebekah. Esau was the firstborn,and had little interest…

Arise--Go Up To Bethel--and Don't Be Conformed to the World

Using the history of Jacob, we bring the lessons of the past, to light in the future--our present--as the sermon unfolds into how we need to transform our minds, and be vigilant, as to what we absorb from the world.

Arise - Go UP To Bethel

This message will help us assess what perspectives we have conformed to in this society that we adorned ourselves with, and review the transformation that occurs in our hearts and minds when we abide in the Father and Son.

Is God your God?

With God's help, we are on a journey of growth and development. The story of Jacob and his journey with God can provide us with insight and encouragement to help us move forward.

Jacob was Greatly Rewarded

When you are passionate about something weather sports or God do so with all your strength to grasp and win the prize through injury, pain, dought strive for the crown.

Ministry of Reconciliation

Having just finished the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread Holy Day season, we are mindful that as we carry forward the lessons of putting leaven out of our lives through the rest of this year, the replacement for that…

Arise and Go Up to Beth-el

Are we aware of the things of this world that we include in our daily lives? What worldly baggage do we need to remove in order to be truly transformed?