
Revealing the Heart of God - and Your Heart

Sometimes our motives are not perfect. Where do we fall short? We must learn to yield to God in an attempt to unite our hearts.

James 4: Wars Among You

This sermonette goes over the historical context of James 4:1-10. Through this examination, we realize that being friends with the world leads to wars in the church.

Doer of the Word

Sermonette looking at how we can be doers of the Word and not hearers only

The Transfiguration

This split-sermon is about what occurred during the transfiguration of Christ. This event had a profound effect on God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the disciples - Peter, James, and John. It is also about the deep meaning this event…

The Seven Gracious Steps

Tim Pebworth -- 4/26/19 In the book of James Chapter 4, we read instructions and seven actions we can take to move from pride to humility and from consumed with our desired to being an instrument in God's Hands. As…

Pure and Undefiled Religion

Split sermon looking at James 1:27 and what does it mean to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
Media Production

Did James Say We Should Not Plan?

A passage in James teaches us an important lesson about what to focus on in our lives.

Being Doers of the Word

A danger exists of returning home from the Sabbath or one of God's Holy Days where we just transition back to our normal lives as if we never came before God's presence or never allowed God's word to transform our…

Are You James or John?

A look at James and John and the zeal that characterized them. How much do we want what Christ is offering?

Are You James Or Are You John

By the end of this sermon you will be able to distinguish if you are a James or John.