
Behold I Tell You a Mystery

Join the Lake George, NY Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night as we take a look at 1 Corinthians 15 and the doctrine of the Resurrection. The truth of the Resurrection is the absolute essential issue of the Gospel. Paul begins…

They Are Waiting on Us

God's Feasts are independent and interdependent. One supports all; all support one. As God’s first-fruits, we are connected with God’s great White Throne Judgment of billions of future brethren. In truth, "They are waiting on us."

Three Days & Three Nights

This a vital study of Scripture addresses all the assumed, biblical support for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Understanding the sign of Jonah has long been a major "eye-opener" for many--if not most of those whom God has called into…

Exposing Satan's Counterfeit Jesus Christ

Do you serve the true Jesus Christ? Or could it be that you may have been influenced by the teachings the apostle Paul describes in II Corinthians 11:4 as another Jesus.

Honor the Son Always

Your Creator God gave His own life so you can be saved from your sins.

The Case of the Empty Tomb

The discovery of the empty tomb in John Chapter 20 loudly proclaims the very identity of Jesus of Nazareth. Are the recordings that surround this discovery credible? This study takes a close examination of the evidence of the empty tomb…

Jesus Christ's Death Yields a Rich Harvest

Jesus Christ sums up the future of all mankind with His statement in John 12:23-24 when in just a few words summed up the purpose of His coming as a human being, His overcoming sin for all mankind, His paying…

Is Jesus a Divine Being?

Was Jesus Christ just a physical person, or was He, in fact a Divine Being?

Be Not Afraid - the Tomb Is Empty

We all have fears. The Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread and the Wave Sheaf offering of the first fruits teach us many things. The most important event in human history -- the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ…

The Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ

The Bible gives us many significant details of the period from Jesus’ death to His ascension that are easy to overlook, not understand, or not fully appreciate. The goal of this sermon is to call attention to and explain many…