A young man reading a Bible while sitting on a dock.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

The time between the Old Testament and New Testament gives insight into the life and times of Jesus Christ and the New Testament Church.

The Sabbath Day

Why is the Sabbath day special? Does what we do on the Sabbath reflect our relationship with God? What does it mean that we are not to work on the Sabbath? Why did the Jews make the Sabbath a burden…
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Why Does the Middle East Matter?

Through the prophet Isaiah, God asks: “Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?” (Isaiah 66:1). There is an obvious answer—in the Middle East. In a city called Jerusalem, God placed...
Media Production

Spain Seeks to Reconcile with Jews

In 1492 Spain expelled all its Jews. Now they welcome back descendants of those displaced.

Current Events & Trends

The heightened religious tensions in Jerusalem caused by ongoing Jewish-Muslim conflicts are spilling over to Europe.
Pouring a foundation


Each of us is designed to build on something that will last for eternity.
Why Is Israel the Focus of Muslim Hostility?

Why Is Israel the Focus of Muslim Hostility?

At the heart of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East is ongoing hatred among Muslim nations toward Israel and the Jewish people. What are the underlying causes?
Does Israel Matter?

Does Israel Matter?

U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that this is a non-starter. Why is this so...
Muslim women pray, bowing toward Mecca.

Not Enemies Forever

In spite of the best efforts of the players in the current Middle East peace process, today the Arab and Jewish nations still have difficulty coexisting peacefully.
David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, declares the birth of the modern state of Israel on May 15, 1948, just before the British Mandate was due to end.

The Creation of the Modern Middle East

For hundreds of years the Arabs did not have a government of their own.