
I Killed Christ

Why did Jesus suffer? Who Killed Jesus Christ? How is anti-Semitism still in the world today?

Let Not Many Of You Become Teachers

Christ gave some to be teachers for the edification of the Church. James cautions that the teachers shall all receive a stricter judgment. What does God expect of the teachers that serve His people? This sermon also explores the context…

Judaism: The Religion of the Jews Part 3

This is the final message of this 3 part series. We find out the real story behind the Religion of the Jews.

Judaism: The Religion of the Jews Part 1

How did modern Judaism develop? Their religion has many restrictions - are these biblical?

Judaism: The Religion of the Jews Part 2

How did Judaism develop? How is modern Judaism different than the religion of ancient Israel? What are Mishna and Midrash? What is Sophrim? Answers to these questions are found in this message.

Proving the Bible is the Word of God

Listen to this sermon to learn why the Bible is true. PowerPoint presentation available for download.

Ruth - A Cinderella Story

The story of Ruth has many facets as do many of the stories God shares with us in the Bible. We must be mindful of this as we study so that we can learn all that God has for us…

Letter to the Gentiles

The letter to the Gentiles in Acts 15. Does it show that the Gentiles are exempt from keeping the law?
Arthur Balfour and his 1917 declaration of sympathy for a Jewish homeland.

The Balfour Declaration

Do you know the story of how a little-known document issued in Great Britain 100 years ago helped set the stage for a key fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

The Festival of Lights

This message is a short story about the Maccabean Jews, about prophecy fulfilled, about prophecy yet to be fulfilled, about hope, and about the true Light.