
What can we learn from the example of Job and his various trials?


Bible Study

We are going to talk about a very interesting book today. The book of Job. We won't be able to cover it in it's completeness, but we will touch upon it through a summary of the lessons that are there.

God is God- We are Not

There are times, when going through a trial we almost demand that God answer our prayer our way. Through Job's experience we learn that God is always right, always correct, and always has our best interest in mind.

Encouraging Vision in the Household of God

As we enter a new calendar year in 2020, it is appropriate that we take stock of who we are as God's Household of Faith, and consider the focus and vision we need for unity and endurance as we draw…

Four Lessons from Job

The pastor examines the Book of Job and outlines four principle lessons that will help a member overcome worries, fears, and doubt when facing any trial.

Disappointment with God Part 3

The Book of Job is not from Job's point of view, but from God's point of view. Not of suffering but our response to testing, will we trust in God when things feel unfair, when it feels God is silent…

Are You Elihu?

Just days after the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy in the United States, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, ties in the events of that day with the story of Job. He focuses on the words spoken…

Trial Strategy

We will all be subject to trials throughout our lives as a method of developing our character. Will we survive the trial spiritually? Let's discuss what is needed to enable us to successfully endure the trials that will test us.

More Than We Can Handle?

Most will agree with the statement that God will not give us more than we can handle without providing a way of escape (I Cor 10:13). Kirk Talbott discusses in this sermonette whether that is accurate. You may find the…

Sharing our Burdens

We are told to share one another's burdens, this message provides a few thoughts on how to fulfill this great command.

The Story of Job & Self Examination

A review the topic of spiritual self-examination, using the book of Job as a background.