
What can we learn from the example of Job and his various trials?

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Questions God Asks You

Why would God query you? Isn’t He all-knowing? What kind of answers would He expect? Are you prepared for a challenge?
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Step Back and Look Up

Sometimes we need to take a step back from our situations and our trials and look up to God and His plan for our life.

Where Were You?

The story of Job has several of the deepest lessons in all the Bible. One big lesson from the example of Job is to step back and look up. It will always help us get perspective.
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Shark Week!

What is behind our fascination with sharks? And are sharks in the Bible?

God Is In the Details of our Life

There are times, especially when we are dealing with trials when we can wonder if God is involved in our life or maybe allowing us to be punished for something we don’t fully understand. The story of Job tells us…

Three Benefits From Hardships, Trials and Sufferings

In a split-sermon before the webcast audience of Atlanta and Buford, Bob McCurdy discusses three spiritual benefits that come from the hardships, trials and sufferings that God allows us to endure.

A Proper Approach to Repentance

What is our thought process with regard to repentance? It is not what we do that must change, it is who we are. We need God’s help to truly repent. Ask God to put a new heart in us.

Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…


This sermon is the second in a series on the subject of Hell. We must understand the spirit in man to completely grasp this subject.

Self Righteousness

God allowed Satan to bring Job down to dust. Through his sufferings, Job's understandings of the world of life had to be adjusted to bring him to the next level of righteousness God was planning for him.