
Baby Judge School

“Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?” Paul’s critique of the Corinthian church has big implications about the kind of things we ought to be preparing for.

Learning to Judge

As Kings and Priests in the Kingdom of God, God’s people will need to know how to govern. Valuable principles can be learned by studying the law God gave to the nation of ancient Israel.

Every One of Us Will Be Judged... But When?

God's judgment is a process involving a period of evaluation and a final decision. No one gets to skip any of the steps. Lets review where we all are in the process of judgment and how can you impact how…

A Place Prepared For You

Joh 14:2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Joh 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I…

1 Corinthians 5 & 6: Lawsuits and Sexual Immorality

In a continuing series of messages on Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, covers the issues brought up in chapters 5 and 6: Sexual immorality in the church and how the…

Practice Justice and Mercy in Faith

This is an impactful Sermon on judgement and discernment. There is a difference, and we should know the difference. Are we to judge our fellow Brothers in Christ? Are we to judge the outside world? How do we do this…

The Essentials for Eating and Drinking the Lord's Passover

As the Passover nears, we must judge ourselves to see whether we be in the faith and be reconciled to God, Jesus Christ and every member of the body of Christ. We should diligently seek to live by every word…

Pre-Passover Self Examination

Change and sacrifice are the keys to a happy, fulfilling and godly life. At this time of year, with the approach of the Passover, God expects all of His people to engage in a spiritual examination. Michael Bannen, who serves…

What Prepared Christ to be The Judge of Mankind

Just like Christ remembers what it was like to be human, once we are spirit beings, we too will remember what it was like to be human which will help us to understand what people are going through.

God is The Judge

The things that were happening to Job did not make sense to him and Job began to take God to task for all the bad things that were happening. God did respond to Job but God never addressed Job's questions…