
Judges, Judging, and Judgment

Elder Gary Nielander covers one of God’s highest priorities—judging; His Church now being judged daily, in order to develop the elect into future leaders and judges to administer His government and laws for all mankind.

Learn Something Old

Old skills are beginning to die off in our society. Do they have any value? What about the Old Testament? Does it have any value or purpose other than recording history and giving us a list of do's and don'ts…

The Life and Lessons of Samuel

Today, I would like to look at the life and times of Samuel. There are many things we can learn from this prophet of God. He was a remarkable man that the Eternal used in a time of great transition…

Leading Lady

Scott Krohn emphasizes the importance of women in the Bible, highlighting the events surrounding Deborah—a judge and prophetess of Israel.

Justice in Judgement

We see many injustices and evils in the world around us, but in most cases, we are powerless to do anything about them. God is preparing His family to serve as kings and priests in the coming Kingdom of God…

Are You Qualified to be on the Supreme Court?

Judges in the Bible needed to hear cases between men just as the judges of today. The Supreme Court justices require special judgment skills. Are you qualified to fill one of those seats spiritually?
The Judges: Jephthah - From Loser to Leader
Video Series Lesson

The Judges: Jephthah - From Loser to Leader

The story of Jephthah may be one of the most difficult stories to understand in the Bible. Yet, there are abundant lessons to learn. Is it possible to go from a reject to ruler? A loser to leader? Is God...
The Judges: Israel's Civil War
Video Series Lesson

The Judges: Israel's Civil War

The last chapters of Judges record the story of a civil war that almost destroyed one of the tribes of Israel. The lessons from this terrible time in Israel's history are important for Christians today in how we are to...
The Judges: Victory in the Hand of Deborah
Video Series Lesson

The Judges: Victory in the Hand of Deborah

Deborah was the only female Judge in the history of Israel. She asked her top general, Barak, to mount an operation to push out the Canaanites. He hesitated, but went and did the job. Are you like Deborah or like...
The Judges: Shamgar - Sword in the Hand of God
Video Series Lesson

The Judges: Shamgar - Sword in the Hand of God

This Bible study will examine the Judge Shamgar. Little is known about him but powerful lessons can be learned when we realize that even as ordinary people, through God we can do extraordinary things.