
Seeking Truth - Prepared to Give An Answer

In a split sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, Kirk Talbott discusses the subject of speaking the truth in our age when few really are willing to hear the truth. How do we respond when the hearers have…

Chains that Bind

If you or I was a prisoner would I attempt to escape? Chains that bind can be ideas or thoughts that we don't question when we were young. Yet God requires us to put sin out and no longer be…

Our Time is Now

We, as God’s people, are being judged now as we await the imminent return of Jesus Christ, and our birth into the family of God. The immediacy of our birth into the family of God. Recognize, with a sense of…

Judgment and Justice

In this sermon, we will see that it is vital for God’s people to understand the relationship between judgment and justice that God emphasizes throughout His word. Why? Because God doesn’t just expect His people to understand what judgment and…

Lessons of Ephesians 4-5

The Bible sets the standard of living for humanity. What is the purpose of life? The Bible says we must all appear before a judgement seat. What are some key elements that we will be judged upon.


Discernment is a vital tool for a Christian for without it, one can easily be misled. We look at discernment and some of the consequences of not using it.

Biblical Friendship

What are they? Here are four qualities of biblical friendships.

2, 3, 4--Two Deaths, Three Resurrections, Four Judgments Part 2

The last two basic doctrines of Hebrew s6 give a skeletal view of end-time events. Here in two parts is a fuller look at the biblical teaching on death, resurrection and judgment. Part 2 of 2.

2, 3, 4--Two Deaths, Three Resurrections, Four Judgments Part 1

The last two basic doctrines of Hebrews 6 give a skeletal view of end-time events. Here in two parts is a fuller look at the biblical teaching on death, resurrection and judgment.

Justice in Judgement

We see many injustices and evils in the world around us, but in most cases, we are powerless to do anything about them. God is preparing His family to serve as kings and priests in the coming Kingdom of God…