
Four Steps to a Healthy Conscience

One of our most valuable attributes is a conscience. This is especially true for those whom God has called. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregation discusses the purpose of a conscience and important points…

How Real Is God to You?

How can we know God is real and that He listens to us? Do you feel that your prayers to Him go unheard or unanswered? Listen in to find out about the real God.

The Destiny of a Biblical Fool

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand the importance of not being envious about apparent prosperity and success of biblical fools.

So You Want To Change the World

This world needs to change; do you know what to do? How and when will you know? Here are some basic answers.

Thy Kingdom Come

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, and part of the model prayer includes the phrase "Thy kingdom come." This sermon discusses why Christ included this phrase in the model prayer.

The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets Revealed to the Prophets

On the Feast of Trumpets, Bob McCurdy discusses that Leviticus 23 lists the Feast of Trumpets as a Holy Day, but God does not explain the true meaning of the blowing of trumpets at that time, nor how it fits…

Faith, Also Needs Wisdom

Finding balance in wisdom and sound judgment and faith in God.

Seeing Past the Slice

Elder Don Turgeon uses Biblical examples such as David and even Jesus to encourage us to look past the slices of life that we glimpse of others, especially seniors, and not to make judgments solely on the short moments we…

The Judgment of Christ

We are all condemned to death for breaking God's holy, righteous and good law. However, God has handed Judgment over to His Son. Firstfruits stand now before the judgment seat of Christ, and the rest of humanity will be judged…

A Crisis of Choice

Predestination, abortion and modesty - what could possibly tie these together? Sounds improbable, but Kirk Talbott does so using the thread of choice! In this split-sermon Kirk Talbott shows how our ability to choose is integral in God's plan.