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Atlanta, GA
Buford, GA
Congregation Members Only

The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets Revealed to the Prophets

On the Feast of Trumpets, Bob McCurdy discusses that Leviticus 23 lists the Feast of Trumpets as a Holy Day, but God does not explain the true meaning of the blowing of trumpets at that time, nor how it fits into His Plan of Salvation. However, God did progressively bring out the true meaning of that day through the messages that he gave to the Old Testament prophets.

Bob started attending God's church on the Feast of Trumpets in 1969 in Miami, FL; married Carol in 1974, and moved to Atlanta in 1982. He retired after forty years with Southern Bell/BellSouth/ATT. They have four children and nine grandchildren. Bob now serves in the Atlanta and Buford, GA UCG congregations.

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