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As we strive to get back to "normal" following the pandemic, the world is going through massive changes. The Bible can give us guidance on how to navigate these changes.

“Who Will Listen to My Warning?”

The prophet Jeremiah warned the rebellious people of ancient Judah that they needed to turn to God in humble obedience. How do Jeremiah’s admonitions apply to the people of today’s lawless world?

How Lonely Sits the City

The words found in the book of Lamentations are a reminder of the need for our repentance and self examination, as well as a reminder of the hope that God has prepared for us.
A man walking in a field with the sun rays shining on him.

Hope Enough to Buy a Field

Your life has been turned upside down during this global pandemic. Let’s all take a lesson of hope from the life of Jeremiah.

Do You Feel Like Jeremiah?

Jeremiah the prophet lived in a time of moral and spiritual decline in Israel, not unlike the times we live in today. As we read through his writings we can learn how he felt and the hope and encouragement God…

Lessons from Jeremiah

If we had a prophet telling us today that we were going into captivity, who would believe it? When God calls, we need to listen - young or old - we need to listen and obey. What is our mission…

The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets Revealed to the Prophets

On the Feast of Trumpets, Bob McCurdy discusses that Leviticus 23 lists the Feast of Trumpets as a Holy Day, but God does not explain the true meaning of the blowing of trumpets at that time, nor how it fits…

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

Life Between the Two Edens

How to face trials and find encouragement when the unthinkable happens.

How Are We Evolving?

A Christian should not be stagnant but certainly "evolving." Learn from within the book of Jeremiah the lessons for the "today" Christian.