
We Have Been Warned

We have been told in advance what’s going to happen in the last days. We have also been told what we must be doing.

The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets Revealed to the Prophets

On the Feast of Trumpets, Bob McCurdy discusses that Leviticus 23 lists the Feast of Trumpets as a Holy Day, but God does not explain the true meaning of the blowing of trumpets at that time, nor how it fits…

The Day of Days: Will Aliens Take Over the Earth?

Science fiction has often directly adapted biblical themes. Objectively science fiction makes about enough sense as the Theory of Evolution, but truth can be stranger than fiction. There are aliens mentioned in the Bible and they will revisit the earth…

These Last and Final Days

How could Peter speak of his own time as "these last days"[Acts 2:17]? Was he wrong? Had he given in to his own private interpretation of scripture? Was he just being overly optimistic about how much time was left until…

Are We Living in the Last Days?

In this discussion format Bible study Mr. Smith asks the question, if we believe we are living in the last days, how do we support that belief?

Where the American Culture is Headed the Next 20 Years

We are now almost two decades into the 21st century. It seems like yesterday that many people were in hysteria about the Y2K bug when we rolled over into the year… 2000. But, the last 20 years has seen a…

In The Last Days

Are we living the Last Days? Revelation, tribulations, the day of the Lord

Noah, the Ark, and the Flood

Listen to this sermon to learn why it's important for us to think about Noah, the Ark and the Flood as we approach the Feast of Trumpets.

The House of Israel in Prophecy

God's eternal covenant with His people through prophecy.

But We Have The Mind Of Christ (part 2)

Have you ever wished that God would just appear to you and give you the direction you should go, or give you the answer to the problem or dilemma you’re facing? The Bible says that in these “last days” God…