
But We Have The Mind Of Christ (part 1)

Have you ever wished that God would just appear to you and give you the direction you should go, or give you the answer to the problem or dilemma you’re facing? The Bible says that in these “last days” God…

The House of Israel in Prophecy

The current location of the House of Israel and of David's Throne can be discerned using the Bible's prophecies as our guide. Difficult times are ahead for the descendants of the House of Israel, but God will deliver them out…

The Last Days and End Time

There have been many expectations about the end of days or end times throughout the centuries. There are signs, such as the dramatic growth in knowledge and living in a troubled world, that indicates time is running out. Many are…

The Throne of David in Prophecy

God made an eternal covenant with King David that his throne would be established forever and that his descendants would be ruling over the House of Israel in the last days. Where is David's throne today? The current location of…

Last Days or End Times

The Bible uses a term “Last Days”. These Last Days have been happening for awhile; for a number of years. The period called “The End Time or the Time of the End” has a more specific time setting and has…
Just What Is the End Time?

Just What Is the End Time?

There are as many end-time scenarios based to some degree on Bible prophecy as there are prophetic teachers. Is there a singular overview of end-time prophecy that can help protect you from end-time catastrophes?

Appreciating the Aging Process

There are challenges for an older person. But getting old isn’t the end. It is, in fact, a new venture that only the elderly can appreciate.