Plowing a field in Kenya

It's The Land!


The Other Historic Inauguration of January 2009

The inauguration of the new President of the United States was not the only historic inauguration in the month of January.

The Next Holocaust

The ugly specter of anti-Semitism was on display again last month in Iran. It should send a shudder up and down your spine, and serve as a warning that this disease has not been eradicated and threatens world peace.

Spring Feast "Safari" Shows How God Is Blessing His Work in East Africa

This spring, my husband, Barry, and I had the opportunity to ride along on a visiting tour of East Africa and see firsthand how God is blessing the work there.

Islamic Extremists Attack the West in Many Countries

The murder of three American Baptist missionaries by an Islamic extremist in Yemen Dec. 30 highlights the growing threat to Americans living in other parts of the world and the increasing worldwide clash between the followers of Islam and those...