
Tact: Everyday Personal Diplomacy

What is the heart and core of being tactful? It’s simply another name for kindness and thoughtfulness which is the foundation of etiquette. Tact is all about developing and maintaining good, caring relationships with others.

Qualities of Great Friends

What are the qualities that make great friends? In the difficult times that we live in during the stay at home order are our friendships being maintained? This message will describe three qualities of the friendship between David and Jonathan…

Christ - The God of the Passover

In a webcast sermon before the Atlanta and Buford congregations, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving both churches, discusses five (5) attributes of our Passover God.

Kind After God's Own Kindness

Terry Johnson discusses aspects of kindness versus grace and how we should be kind in the same manner as God by which His overall character is defined.

How to Never Stumble

This message is the conclusion of a four part series on 2 Peter 1:5-9. We, as Christians, are called to be first fruits in the kingdom of God. In 2 Peter 1:5-9, the Apostle Peter gives us a list of…


Gal. 5:22 - one of the fruits of the spirit. They couldn't let the prisoners escape or it would mean they would get in trouble. But the centurion wanted to save Paul's life. He showed kindness to the prisoners.

The Fruit of the Spirit

We find ourselves living in an evil world and we find that we must live in this world while developing the character of God in us. This sermon continues a series on the fruit of the spirit. In this message…


Stir up your imagination and motivation to make kindness a guiding principle in our lives. It must lead our every act.

Two Loves

Love is the underlying motive for kindness, human love and Godly. God demonstrates His kindness, His own love toward us in while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Let's make kindness (Love) contagious.

God’s World, What It Will Be Like

What will the world look like when no one is afraid? Changes in the Millennium and Kingdom of God will be abundant. Imagine if only parts of the 10 Commandments were kept; the world would be a very different place…