Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is the fulfillment of God's plan for humanity. In order to take part in it, we must let the Holy Spirit work in us, helping us to know Jesus Christ and God the Father.


Safety from Terror

The world as we know it is heading for destruction. What will happen to true Christians during the End Times?

See the Kingdom in the Feast

The only hope for our war-torn world is the Kingdom of God. God's fall Holy Days signify this coming time of peace and unity. While at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to truly picture the joyful time it…

What's So Bad About a Little White Lie?

What does God say about lying? If you are a habitual liar, where will that get you? Stop and think for a moment about the nineth commandment. If mankind was able to eradicate even this one sin, do you know…

Preparing the Bride of Christ

How is God preparing us, preparing His family to assist Him in the Kingdom of God, and why is God preparing us?

The Rapture

There is a commonly held belief that the saints will be raptured away. What does the Bible have to say about the rapture theory?

Parables of the Kingdom, Part 2

An explanation of the parable of the seed scattered on various ground in Matthew 13.

Parables of the Kingdom, Part 1

Introduction to the hidden truths of the kingdom 5 keys to understanding the parables about the kingdom that Jesus gave.

The Kingdom of God

The coming Kingdom of God is our only hope for survival. What is the Kingdom of God? What is our role? Is it to preach the gospel to save more souls? Is it also to prepare ourselves? How do we…

Christ the Servant

Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth, and He will rule fairly with a strong arm. But He is also coming to restore and rehabilitate. This is what His saints will be assisting Him with as His Kingdom…
Media Production

New World Order

Scripture foretells two coming international governments. One is of satanic origin to be ousted by Jesus Christ’s perfect rule.