Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is the fulfillment of God's plan for humanity. In order to take part in it, we must let the Holy Spirit work in us, helping us to know Jesus Christ and God the Father.

A woman reading a Bible.

The Gospel and the Throne of David

Our study guide The United States and Great Britain in Bible Prophecy details an amazing understanding from the Bible and history about the modern English-speaking nations being inheritors of the physical promises made to Abraham and his descendants. What exactly...
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Something Better

Like immigrants in search of a better life, we must pursue the Kingdom of God relentlessly, because the Kingdom of God is the best possible world and life for which we could hope.

The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Feast of Tabernacles

We observe the feast of tabernacles and look forward to the future Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth that it pictures. But our ultimate goal and focus is beyond that, to the eternal kingdom of God.
A peaceful scene with trees, mountains and the setting sun.

Jesus’ Reign on Earth—What Will It Be Like?

Bible readers understand that Jesus Christ will return to earth to reign as King. But what will He do as King, and what will His reign be like?

Bible Study no 34 of Revelation

The river of life; the tree of life and perfection into eternity.
Footprints in the sand.

Walking With God in Times of Trouble

Living in accordance with that hope and future, trusting God’s promises and striving to obey and please Him, is key to walking with God.
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Irreplaceable: Are You Aligned to God’s Purpose?

Everyone wants to think that they're irreplaceable, but that attitude can lead to dangerous complacency.

Thy Kingdom Come

How much do we desire the Kingdom of God? This message will review why we need the kingdom to come and touch on how we live and think now as we seek God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 6:33)

A Failure of Imagination

American leaders had a "failure of imagination" leading to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They failed to "imagine" an attack of that nature. We can "imagine" our future and prepare for the coming Kingdom.
A person sitting at the top of hill looking at the expanse of the night sky.

Gain From God’s Perspective

We need a higher vantage point to understand the full context of our own lives and the whole human story. We’ll then see that even amid life’s difficulties a great plan and purpose is being worked out—toward a wondrous future...