
Feast of Trumpets

Traditional Christianity rejects the Feast of Trumpets. But the Feast of Trumpets foretells of a time when God will dramatically intervene in world events.

How Will we be Remembered?

In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call asks: How will as soldiers in God's army be remembered? Will we as soldiers be brave and remain loyal to God in the face of adversity? We are to be brave and loyal until…
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Kingdoms at War: The Fifth Kingdom

Throughout human history, governments have waged nearly endless war. But God will finally bring true peace!
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Kingdoms at War: The Mystery of the Fourth Beast

Bible prophecy explains that in the days before Jesus’ return a global superpower will arise.
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Kingdoms at War: The Man Who Would Be God

The Bible foretells a coming time when a world leader will claim to be God. Learn the shocking truth!
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Kingdoms at War: The Spirit of Hate

As nations fight, bringing angst upon millions, an unseen spiritual war rages behind the scenes. Learn more.
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Kingdoms at War: Handwriting on the Wall

What did that strange message mean for the king of Babylon long ago? What should it mean for you today?
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Kingdoms at War: Babylon Stands Against God

Will your religion withstand the great deception that Bible prophecy says will come upon the world?
Media Production

Kingdoms at War: Powers of the Unseen World

You need to grasp what are the hidden forces creating and influencing today’s disturbing headlines.
An artist's rendition of the Towel of Babel

Babylon Stands Against God

Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called “Babylon the Great” will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, “Come out of her . . . don’t take part in her sins.” What does...