
Do You Know God

Belief in God is only a fraction of what it takes to know God.
Media Production

Knowing God: Part 2

A summer storm brings to mind a story in the life of the prophet Elijah.
Media Production

Knowing God: Part 1

After Job's trials, the patriarch came to know God at a much deeper level.

What Does it Mean to Know Christ?

To know about Christ and even to take part in some Christian traditions are not the same as actually knowing who Christ is, and perhaps more importantly, Christ knowing who you are.

Knowing God

Ryan McNeely expands on his theme of upcoming Sabbath School lessons by focusing on the New Testament explanations of knowing God; building a kinship relation, following God’s family commandments, and conducting ourselves as our elder Brother—Christ

Knowing God the Father Through Knowing Christ

Ryan McNeely ties his message to the theme of upcoming Sabbath School lessons by using the example of the Apostle John addressing the church at Ephesus, expounding upon the reality of Christ living as a man, sacrificing Himself for us…

Knowing or Doing

We as God's people can confuse knowing, with doing, God's law. This message is to bring to light this matter, and to cite scripture and other references to help us to recognize and overcome this confusion, to prevent its expression…

6 Ways Our Prayers Can be Hindered

The hope we enjoy as a result of knowing God’s plan changes our perspective on trials and problems in this life, as God uses them to prepare us for service in His family.

The People Who Know Their God

A verse in the book of Daniel, Chapter 11 is often on my mind. Today we will discuss why we want to be known as "the people who know their God."

Does God Know You?

God does know us. He knows you. You can never fool God, at any time. Don’t be a pretender. Pass your spiritual tests. Do not compromise.