
The Knowing – Doing Gap

Instead of just filing away the messages you have heard this week in your head, find one of those gaps in your life and try doing something differently and better than you do now.

How to Never Stumble

This is the second part of a four part series on 2 Peter 1:5-9. We as Christians are called to be first fruits in the kingdom of God. In 2 Peter 1:5-9, the Apostle Peter gives us a list of…

Don't Loose What You Have

God gives us knowledge and understanding of the truth. You must work to keep that truth and to grow further in knowledge and truth in your walk with Christ.

Now I Show You A Mystery

Quentin Rhody, on the Day of Trumpets, discusses the choice Adam had at the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Since then, many have questioned how God creates righteous character in man, yet allow evil to abound? Also presented…

Part 2 of The How Tos of 2 Peter.

Today we will begin the process of examining the building blocks of II Peter. We will begin by looking at the base, Faith, Virtue and Knowledge. We will examine what they are, who in the bible is an example of…

Who Should Be the Center of Our Worship

The Pastor reviews scriptures that detail the nature of the God family and the roles of the Father, and Jesus. Through these scriptures we have a clear understanding in Who should be the center of our worship.

Gnostiscim Part 1

Today we begin a series on Gnosticism in the early church and its effects today; a topic both fascinating and disturbing. We need to have a basic working knowledge of Gnosticism in order to properly understand the writings of the…

Seven Principles of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs is filled with principles we should learn. This is Part 1 of a 2-Part sermon which covers the first four principles of having a godly lifestyle.

The Spiritual Importance of Discernment

Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment are all critical components to making good choices in life. And choice we have. All around us are aspects of truth and error, right and wrong, and good and evil. How do we discern between…

Biblical Lessons from Europe

In part 2, of his reflections during his travels in Europe, Mr. Seiglie discusses various subjects including, the potato, European Kings, and the Seat of Satan. These reflections help us to realize how blessed we are today.