
Intro to Laodicea

In a split-sermon, Jonathan Beam discusses the ancient city of Laodicea, described in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, and the lessons that we can learn from the admonitions given to the Christians in that city.

Characteristics of the Final Church

The Church is a spiritual organism that will never die. But just before the return of Christ, there will be one final group of people here on Earth enduring to tribulation and working diligently to obey God in Spirit and…


The message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 Churches to give each Church spiritual “food for thought!” These messages…

Learning From the Churches of Revelation - Part 5

This is the final in a series of sermons on the Churches of Revelation. The Laodicean church is described as one of a lukewarm attitude. We must examine ourselves and rid our minds and hearts of any such attitudes. We…

Trade Marks

The Laodiceans strayed away from God's truth. The sermon addresses the characteristics or trade marks to avoid from becoming lukewarm.

Laodicean Landmines

We as a church exhibit certain signs of the Church of Laodicea. What are the Laodicean landmines that we face today?

Are We Taking Our Daily Supplement of the Holy Spirit

To become complete, as a child of God, we need our daily supplement of God's Holy Spirit.


What can we learn from the Laodicean message? What was the Laodicean problem and what are the spiritual lessons can we learn?

Treasure Digest

In the months between the Feast of Tabernacles and Passover, it can be easy to settle back into comfortable complacency.

The Olivet Prophecy

The three parables of Matthew 25 instruct us on how to be ready and how to be so doing. They give us great insight on how to exercise judgment, mercy, faith with God and all humankind. So let's ask ourselves…