
Your Place at the Table

David Jones describes how the Passover meal would have been setup that evening with Christ and His disciples and how the positions of where they sat around the table that evening had meaning and gave significance to what was spoken…

Context for the Passover

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, provides the historical context of the first Passover and the application for New Testament Christians as described in the gospels and by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11.

Foot Washing: Are You a Lowly Servant?”

Jesus instituted foot washing to precede the Passover. Typically, the washing of feet was done by the lowliest person of the house. Why did Jesus add this unusual ceremony to the Passover service? Are you getting the message of foot…

The Final Hours of Jesus

Today let's review some of the scriptures which explain the incredible suffering our Savior, Jesus Christ went through as He died to pay the sins of humanity.

Do This In Remembrance of Me

We are told to prepare for the Passover. It has much more to do with focusing on Jesus, for what He has done for us, than on focusing on our sins. We are to have Godly sorrow and to repent…


Transubstantiation is a doctrine believing that the bread and wine are transformed into the literal body and blood of Jesus Christ, following the consecration of the literal bread and wine. Is this true?
The observances of these festivals tell us that real permanent change is possible! Jesus Christ expects a transformation in our lives.

The Passover Festival Season

We should all perennially ask the question, Has the death of Jesus Christ made a real difference to me? Is my life really transformed? When I observe the feast of Unleavened Bread, year after year, does it have an impact...

Betrayed by a Friend

Betrayal is never easy to come to terms with, especially when it comes from those we trust and love. Are we at risk of betraying anyone?

The Bible and Archaeology

In the four Gospels no period of Christ's ministry is more detailed than the last few days when He was arrested, tried and crucified as a common crimina. What have archaeologists found that confirm and illuminate many of the details...