
Epistles of Paul 22

Many today struggle with the relationship of faith and the law. "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified". Are we perfected forever already? What is the relationship between grace and faith? "As many as…

The Old Covenant – Ministry of Death vs Ministry of Life

God’s Covenants commit God to give us additional blessings and promises provided we adhere to the terms and conditions of these covenants. Ultimately they lead to God’s great promise to mankind.

Should We Tithe Today?

Join us for this very interesting study of Tithing and it's relevance in today's world. Do you believe that tithing has been done away with? Did Jesus change the law of Tithing? The answers to these questions and more in…

Law and Peace

Speaker: Tom Meece 3/7/20 Adherence to God's laws brings peace; similarly adherence to man's laws tend toward peace with some exceptions. We need to realize this principle and work along with it. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF…

O How I love Thy Law

Oh How Love I Thy Law - Looking at extremes to find balance. The Law of God part 2. The understanding that the law is bigger, deeper, and wider than those of old could have ever known.

Sin and God's Law-Pt 1

FOB Sermon on Sin and God's Law. What is Sin and how it relates to law.

Why Only 4 Stipulations?

Gardenhire looks at Acts 15 and asks why were only four stipulations made to the Gentiles. He looks at the Old Testament, Jewish traditions of the time, Gentile traditions of the time.

That the Lord's Law May Be in Your Mouth

Obedience to God's Law is a character trait that is essential. God's law is a law of action, of doing. We through Christ's example need to keep obedience to God's law in our lives. In other words we need to…

How Are We to Worship God

About two months after bringing the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, God spoke directly to Israel, giving them His law of love. We know this as the Ten Commandments. These laws existed before this time. This…

The New Covenant and the Law!

Does the New Covenant override the Laws of God? So many today are confused almost more than any other time in the history of mankind. At this Passover and Holy Day season consider this: Christ did not come to do…