
Epistles of Paul 22

Many today struggle with the relationship of faith and the law. "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified". Are we perfected forever already? What is the relationship between grace and faith? "As many as…

The Awesome Grace of God

The topic of Grace is often misunderstood. Grace is an undeserved and unmerited pardon from God. Yet there is even more to the topic of grace. There is an obligation on our part. Law is necessary to define sin and…

How are we to Worship God?

In Part 3 of this series, we look into what it means to Worship God in Spirit and Truth. In John 4:24 Christ tells us that True Worshipers must worship in this way, therefore it is critical that we know…

The New Covenant and the Law!

Does the New Covenant override the Laws of God? So many today are confused almost more than any other time in the history of mankind. As we approach the Day of Pentecost consider this: Christ did not come to do…

The Commandments of Jesus

Did Jesus do away with the law? Was it all 'nailed to the cross?' By exploring the commandments of Jesus, we will see clearly that Christ did not do away with the law, and in fact upholds it perfectly!

Which Old Covenant Laws Are for New Covenant Christians? Part 2

The challenge for us in the Church of God is to “rightly divide the word of truth” and use sound “biblically-based” principles to determine which Old Covenant laws are valid for us to observe today. We each need to grow…

The Difference Between Being a Witness and Being a Gossip

There is a law in the bible that we may read and completely miss the application. By the constitution of the United States, citizens do not have to incriminate themselves. Is this God’s way? Do we have the right to…

Are You Saved by Grace?

Six thousand years of history has shown that mankind is more interested in going his own way than the way of God. But over the past couple thousand years, structure has been placed around this history to make it religiously…

Suspected of Adultery

You ever think that some of the laws in the Old Testament are a little strange? Some believe that Old Testament laws do not apply to the modern era of the church because they are so out of date that…

Is the Law of God Out of Date?

Does the New Covenant negate God's law and do away with any need to obey the Ten Commandments and other laws of God? The belief that it does has long been a popular teaching in the Church of God today…