
Seven Attributes of a Real Servant

Ken Shoemaker directs the Ambassador Bible Center Choral, as they perform at the GCE. Anthony Wasilkoff gives sermon telling us how we can become real servants.

Only Four Commandments?

In the book of Acts the apostles came together to discuss how they should teach the Gentiles who were coming into Christianity. Did they decide that only four commandments were required of them?

Why the Old and New Covenants? Part 2

In the 2nd of two sermons on covenants, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, covers twelve major differences between the Old and New Covenants. [Note - This sermon was given in Buford on 1/19/19, and also in…

Deuteronomy 23

A continuation in the series of Bible studies in the book of Deuteronomy and specifically chapter 23.

Principles of healthful living II

Health, one of the most controversial subjects to get into is, nevertheless, one that must be addressed. Today we continue with part II of what was presented previously.

The Persistent Leaven – Idolatry

There is much more to the command against idolatry than simply making physical idols and bowing down to them. The spiritual aspects of this law are a lot more deceptive and persistent.

How Do We Get Rid of Evil?

We live in a world where evil acts are ever present. From school shootings to political corruption and corporate greed, it seems that good news is often hard to come by. Is there anything we can do it get rid…


Focusing on the impact of the Supreme Court's rulings on this country and comparing them to God's instructions on justice.
Street warning signs

Tragedy from Corruption & Triumph from Sacrifice

God notices how we handle tempting situations
The Sabbath: A Shadow

The Sabbath

Is there more to keeping the Sabbath than meets the eye?