
Apostle Paul

Was the Apostle Paul a commandment keeper? What did Paul teach about the commandments of God? Today we will take a look at Paul’s clear instructions regarding the law.

Aligning Our Conscience With God's Law

How aware are we of own conscience? Are we truly aligning it with the laws and ways of God?

God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…

Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments?

Many traditional Christians today assume that since Jesus Christ instituted the New Covenant, the laws of God's have been "done away"--made obsolete--are no longer in force. As a result, they ignore His commandments. But, what does Christ Himself say about…

Clean and Unclean Foods

BiblesStudy: Learn why the Bible's laws of clean and unclean foods are in effect.

Pentecost and the Ten Commandments

The great event from the Old Testament of the giving of the law connects to the great event of the Holy Spirit being poured out on the New Testament church. The laws that were then inscribed on two tablets of…

Which Laws Should We Observe

Most who call themselves Christians realize the Ten Commandments are the basis of God's Law. But there were also other laws mentioned: statutes, judgments, testimonies. Some think Old Testament law was rendered "null and void" by Jesus' sacrifice. Which laws…

A Heart of Stone and/or A Spirit of Desire

This message speaks to the profound difference in heart and mind between God writing His laws with His finger on stone at Sinai versus His promise to etch His laws into the hearts of the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16).

Fruits of God's Spirit

What are the differences between God's Fruits of the Spirit and "natural" goodness? Here are three reasons.

Family Integrity

The laws of God are not arbitrary. There is a purpose for them. God created the family unit as a foundation for human life. Satan is out to destroy this foundation.