
How Will We Learn?

We can learn lessons the easy way from instruction or the hard way through personal experience. Today I want to encourage all to learn the easy way.

The Surprising Benefits of Bible Memorization

Every time Satan tried to tempt Jesus Christ, He responded with memorized scripture. After spending some extended time practicing daily scripture memorization, I’d like to share some of the unexpected benefits I have encountered.

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Learning to Trust God

Speaker: Fred Crow 3/28/20 Through God's Word, the written examples and experiences of our forefathers, we can learn some major personal lessons. One big lesson from Exodus; God may allow us to go through difficult times so that He might…

Tree of Life: Central --- Available -- Dynamic

Speaker: James Malizia 2/8/20 Physical human existence is book-ended with something of great interest and from which we can learn many, many spiritual lessons from... these book-ends are the the Tree of Life. It was in the Garden of Eden…

Between Two Worlds

As we live in the world today--and are looking forward to the coming Kingdom of God--we are in a period of preparation--a training period. God is using this time now in our lives to spiritually shape us into His very…

O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

In Order to be Teachers, we must Learn

We are learners of the Bible, and we should always be striving to gain knowledge from it. We should follow the examples that we heard in the Bible and learn as they learned. So that one day we can be…

Student Teachers

Christians have dual responsibilities of being students and teachers. We teach our children and others as opportunity is given to us, and we are students of the Bible--God's Word. In the Millennium we are destined to be teachers of the…

Lessons from Côte d'Ivoire

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 8/3/19 A non-traditional sermon relating the lessons learned during the 2019 Youth Camp and leadership conference in Côte d'Ivoire. Whether we travel to far away places to serve or stay in our neighborhoods, we must place our…