
The Long and Winding Road: Solomon’s Life in Three Acts

Life will be successful when we begin with the end in mind. Solomon's life gives us a study in finding the straight path to true success.

What is Planned Giving?

Planned Giving, a part of an overall financial and estate plan, is the process that allows someone to make a charitable gift during one’s life or after one’s death. It is useful to think of planned giving as a process...

What's Your Legacy?

Kobe Bryant left behind a rather large legacy. So did Adolf Hitler. Do you ever think about what your legacy might be? Will you have have one? Will it be good or bad? In this message, we'll talk about legacies…

Why This Physical Life?

What will God say about you when you arise in the resurrection? Does He expect anything of us now, or is He ok with us just resting on our laurels? Should we be performing good works? Is that how we…

Even A Child

Regardless of your age or condition you can begin to create or strengthen a LEGACY right here, right now at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles. When you do, it will give added purpose and peace to your life – something…

The Importance of Grand Parenting

Grandparents are to be instrumental in their lives to their grandchildren. They are looked up to by their succeeding generation as the matriarchs of the family. Grandparents can have a tremendous source of instilling true and moral values in their…

Your Legacy

What you do determines your legacy - the sum of your reputation. Do you leave an inheritance? Where is your treasure?

Safeguarding Our Legacy of Truth

How much do we value our Fundamental Beliefs? What are they? Where do the come from? Why do they Matter? Is there prophetic significance that we should consider in our approach?

The Legacy of Your Example

As we live our lives, do we live in a way that leaves a positive and Godly legacy?

What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?

The epitaph on our tombstone, or the obituary that runs in the paper, is the final post-script of the time we spent on this planet. The words chosen by our loving families are often a highlight reel of our lives…