
Lessons From Shepherding

I came away with a better understanding of shepherding and sheep after watching a demonstration of shepherding on the way to the Feast of Tabernacles several years ago. These lessons involve the shepherd, sheepdogs and sheep and help us better…

How Will We Learn?

We can learn lessons the easy way from instruction or the hard way through personal experience. Today I want to encourage all to learn the easy way.

Turned Upside Down

When looking at world history, people have constantly had their lives turned upside down due to events beyond their control. What can we learn from those who have experienced it and how can we prepare for it? God has given…

Lessons From the Desert

Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials and consequences.

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

Passover Preparation

We are still in school when it comes to our spiritual development. God wants us to review these lessons every year to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for His Holy Days and what they picture.

Those Who Turn the World Upside Down

Jesus discussed the subject of persecution in Matthew 5. He wanted to make it crystal clear to His disciples then and now, that following God’s way of life would not be easy. In fact He told them persecution would be…

Aligning Our Conscience With God's Law

How aware are we of own conscience? Are we truly aligning it with the laws and ways of God?

A Place of Safety - Part 1

Explore through God's Word, the depths of how God has used various "places of safety" in history and their implications for you and me in the not-to-distant future.