
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?

Danger of Drifting Away

The Book of Hebrews warns God's people of the danger of drifting away from God's calling. Very few willfully and knowingly choose to reject God. Many run the risk of neglecting their calling to the point of slowly floating away…

Laziness: 3 Paths that Lead the Wrong Direction

There are a lot of reasons we become lazy at times. Today, we'll look at 3 of them and how to avoid them.

Are We Drifting Toward Our Destruction?

"Spiritual drift" is a condition that too many believers have found themselves in over the millennia. Are you spiritually drifting? How would you know? This sermon answers those questions!

Escaping the Doldrums

Make life work better by learning how to navigate to fresh air and cool blowing breezes.