
Freedom's Greatest Enemy

What keeps Christians from being free? Sin makes us slaves and is an enemy of our freedom. How can we overcome the sin in our lives?

The Chains We All Live Under

Four aspects of the liberty we receive when we partake in the New Covenant, and live Jesus Christ's life in us. Given on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread 2020.

Jesus Proclaims Liberty for All

At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus read a portion of Isaiah 61, proclaiming liberty for captives and freedom for those oppressed. God gives us the opportunity to be spiritually free, a spiritual liberty that makes us different - not…

The Resounding Call of Liberty

In times of trial, have we ever wished that we could find the “reset button” of life? Leviticus 25 speaks of such a reset and what will be used to announce it. This resounding call on the Day of Atonement…

Atonement and the Jubilee

Most church members know that the day of Atonement is covered in Leviticus 16 and Hebrews 9-10. But important additional information about Atonement is given in a chapter we often overlook, Leviticus 25. Part of Leviticus 25:10 is quoted on…

The Jubilee

This sermon discusses the Jubilee year in detail. We learn how this event foreshadows the character of the Messiah and how He interacts with man.

God's Way of Life is Characterized By Freedom

In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through His law. This sermon will examine Commandments 7 through 10 of the ten Commandments and document the freedoms each…


This world has no freedom. Is there a difference between freedom and at liberty? Are they really exactly the same? Freedom is complete absence of restraint. Liberty is a measure of freedom within restraint granted by a sovereign power. What…

A Declaration of Dependence

The U.S., in order to be freed from the rule of the Crown declared independence, believing all men have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What does God claim to be our rights, and what should…

God’s Way of Life

The 4th of July celebrates America's independence and her freedoms, But let's not forget the freedoms God gives us through his law. This sermon will examine a number of the Ten Commandments and document the freedoms each offers us.