
Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

The Biblical Perspective on Abortion

Taking a look at examples on the Bible that support the Pro-Life stance on abortion.

Por que?

Why is this happening, why did this happen, why me? Today we will consider God’s eternal perspective on our life events.

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Why are we here today? Why even bother with life? Is it worth living? We suffer struggles to the point at times we may ask ourselves if life is worth everything we are weighed down with. Why can life be…

Opportunity and Life

Opportunity and life can serve as our motto. America was historically been called the “Land of Opportunity.“ We have been given the one and only opportunity of hope and salvation that God’s revelation to us has afforded.

Old Age… What For?

Why should pain or frailty in old age be fairly common? Why is old age included in God's plan for most of us in this life? Old age can be humbling and bring us back from the vanity of youth…

Proclaming Christ in an Age of Ambiguity

We live in an age where people look down on others who are strong and sure about their beliefs. Society today wants no solid rules or absolutes by which to live. But we must not follow that path. We can…


Life is what you make it. Love the life you live, and live the life you love!

Thanksgiving A Day or A Way of Life

We just over a week ago observed this federal holiday called thanksgiving? As Christians, should the giving of thanks be relinquished to a single day? For the people of God, the giving of thanks should be a way of life…
The Key to Our Inner World

The Key to Our Inner World

Daniel has been praying, fasting and meditating for three weeks. He is given a vision of a man and then confronted by and angelic messenger. What can we learn from the this account of the prophet Daniel?