
Keeping God Relevant

The greatest challenge to all of us in the twenty first century is to keep God relevant in our lives. How can we do that?

Basic Principles for Spiritual Builders

We are laborers on a spiritual construction crew hired to build a spiritual building. Are you following the blue prints of the Master Builder?

An Oasis in the Desert

God’s word is like an oasis in a desert. We should thirst for the truth. We must remember the great importance of our calling.

God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?

Reality of the Holy Spirit

We are living in a virtual reality. Nothing we see is real. All that we can physically see or touch in this world could be gone in a second. The Holy Spirit, however, is eternal. It is important to fully…

Spiritual Life Hacks

Life hacks are ideas that give you practical directions to become more proficient and productive. Have you ever thought about the fact that God provides us with practical, spiritual life hacks? There are ways to make our time more meaningful…

The Life of Joseph

Put yourself in the sandals of Joseph. How can his experiences guide your life? What can we learn from his struggles and triumphs? You have a future and a hope, no matter in what circumstances you currently find yourself. Live…

The New Normal

What will happen to our daily lives when the coronavirus restrictions are lifted? Will things go back the way they were? Should they? This sermon discusses what your "new normal" should look like.

Five Experiences Our Savior Shares With Us

Deacon David Cobb covers five areas in which our Savior shared our human experiences: the joy of being alive; the suffering of being alive; the joy of doing what is right; the temptation to do what is wrong; and the…

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

The message notes important events on this day in history in light of the current Holy Day season and reflects on the deep meaning of Christ's statement that "I am the way, the truth and the life".