
From Darkness to Light

How do we stay aware of darkness, yet not loose sight of the light? In what ways can we avoid darkness? How can we be lights?

Being Lights and Ambassadors

We are all called to be Ambassadors. As a new year begins at Ambassador Bible Center, it is important for us all, to focus on the importance of our duty to be representatives of the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual Eyesight

Sight is an amazing gift from God. the Bible uses physical vision as a metaphor for spiritual eyesight. When was your last spiritual eye exam? This sermon discussed our need to see through spiritual eyes.

Wisdom is Not Found in Darkness

Mankind has a tendency of seeking for wisdom in dark places. True wisdom comes from God.

The Light of Discernment

In comparing Genesis 1 to John 1, we can identify key elements God uses to create His order in the physical and the spiritual realm.

Keep the Light Burning

How has the golden lamp in the ancient tabernacle continued to shine its light since its inception? Never discount the value and impact of your personal example to help others find their way to God.

God's Word is a Light to our Path

In order to be properly approach a brother who may have something against you it is important to use God's word to help light the path to reconciliation.

A Quick Observation of God's Creation

When we look at all the variety in God's Creation, we should see that there is duality between the physical and spiritual in all He has made. During this Sabbath-in-the-Park, we shall explore how light and shape have comparable values…

Walk As Children Of Light

God is light and the Father of lights. He sent the true light, Jesus Christ, into the world that we might learn what it means to walk as children of light. In that process, we are not only to walk…

Out of Darkness into Light

God's people are to understand Him, The Supreme Being. The called ones are to become Kings and Priests, a Kingdom of Priests, walking in light and not darkness. Put on the Armor of Light Romans 13:12. Offer spiritual sacrifices, praises…