
Hearing the Shepherd's Voice

God uses the analogy of a shepherd and his sheep many times to convey the love and care He has for His people. One of the details conveyed is the closeness that can be conveyed simply through the shepherd's voice…

He That Has an Ear to Listen

Without faith it is impossible to please God, and unless a Christian learns to be an active listener we cannot have faith. God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and the unwillingness to listen.

Developing a Relationship with God

God's Bible is His love letter to us. He wants us to have a deep and abiding personal relationship with Him. God is calling us out of this world and its ways, and He wants us to walk in His…

Willing to Hear

The ability to hear is precious, but some circumstances inhibit our ability to hear. How do we overcome obstacles to hearing so that we can experience spiritual benefits?
WE also must stop, look and listen.

Stop, Look and Listen!

We have to push our tongue back, move our ears forward, and use our hearts as a doorstop—so we don’t get in the way.

Are We Listening to God?

Are we really heeding the words of God and applying His will in our lives, or are seeking our own meaning and direction?

Acts 28: Paul arrives in Rome & Conclusion of Book

In the final installment in a series on the Book of Acts, Philip Aust, covers the momentous events of chapter 28. This chapter sees Paul and his companions miraculously survive a shipwreck, as well as see Paul take the last…


The movement of life can be overwhelming, but should we function automatically or with purpose?
Take the Time to Show You Care: "Lend an Ear"

Take the Time to Show You Care

 Who Cares?

Who Cares?

Are you feeling unnoticed? Feeling like no one cares whether you exist or not?