
Are we Listening to God?

What God has called us to, what He gives us in His instruction, are the words of true life. Are we listening to God?

O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

Why Listen For The Trumpet?

The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Jesus Christ. We know this will be accompanied by a trumpet blast heard around the world. But WHY are we listening? Is it only to save ourselves, or is there something more?

True Christianity

True Christianity lives because Christianity is the most balanced and productive way of living, and is neither odd nor strange. It works. Great amounts of Christ’s teachings were the basic principles of interpersonal relationships. But do we really believe that…

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. In…

Where Your Treasure Is - There Your Heart Will Be

In a split-sermon, Michael Bannen discusses the Bible - the Word of Life - and ways we can find to bring it into our lives.

Wilderness Ears

God wants us to exit the ways of men and women, and enter His ways. The noise of cities and civilizations prevent God's voice from being heard. Find the peace that exists in a Wilderness, where God's voice is more…

Where Has Civility Gone?

In previous times, most people maintained at least a modicum of civility towards other people, especially in the media and among the more educated. However, we are seeing an erosion of the way that people treat others verbally. In this…

Listening to The Spirit Within

The need to listen to the small still voice within us

God Speaks to Us

God in his Great mercy can communicate with us in a variety of ways. We should pay attention to how we hear and listen.