
Dealing With the Gibeonites

What lesson can we learn from the nation of Israel dealing with the Gibeonites? Be slow to speak.

Are we Listening to God?

What God has called us to, what He gives us in His instruction, are the words of true life. Are we listening to God?

Are We Listening To God?

What God has called us to, what He gives us in His instruction, are the words of true life. Are we listening to God?

His Master's Voice

What must we do to ensure we hear and listen to our Master's Voice.

Listening to God

Over the years we have often been encouraged to watch world events and how they relate to Bible prophecy. This is very important but also just as important is our need to listen to God. God speaks to us through…

O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

Why Listen For The Trumpet?

The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Jesus Christ. We know this will be accompanied by a trumpet blast heard around the world. But WHY are we listening? Is it only to save ourselves, or is there something more?

Living Our Values

Our values must be written on our hearts. They can be used for seeking the right goals, listening to others and passing those values on to others.

Three Steps To More Active Fellowship

How can we pursue fellowship that is active... intentional... mindful... and pleasing to our Father Creator.
Two guys talking.

Watch out for Flies

An English proverb says, “A closed mouth catches no flies.”