
Faith for Exiles

We live in a type of Babylon, a system of collective human pursuits in opposition to God. Intensifying its effect on us is a digital onslaught of information, entertainment, and diversions that directly and indirectly pressure us to conform to…

Navigating Life in an Uncertain World

The world is changing rapidly. With the current COVID-19 crisis, it seems more unstable than ever. How do we react to this world and to the resulting changes in our lives? This message identifies biblically-based priniciples which we can use…

Daniel 6 - The Lions in Daniel's Den

We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the sixth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and respond appropriately in this world…

Faith for Exiles

We live in a complicated, pluralistic and, ultimately, failing world. It is a type of Babylon, a system of collective human pursuits in opposition to God. Intensifying its effect on us is a digital onslaught of information, entertainment, and diversions…

Don't Be a Spiritual Zombie

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 1/26/20 Orinda, 2/08/20 San Jose Honor God by presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, which is your responsible service. -- Rom. 12:1 Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may…

Daniel 5 - Biblical Graffiti

We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and respond appropriately in this world…

Faith for Exiles

We live in a complicated, pluralistic and, ultimately, failing world. It is a type of Babylon, a system of collective human pursuits in opposition to God. Intensifying its effect on us is a digital onslaught of information, entertainment, and diversions…

Good Enough Isn't

In this world, we are urged to settle for "good enough" - which is being promoted as a way of life. An attitude of "good enough" allows us to have an exit strategy from excellence and to step away from…

Daniel 4 - Babylonia Egomania

This is the fourth in a series on the book of Daniel, proposing that we live in a type of Babylon - a different world system that does not know God. This message, based on Daniel Chapter 4, analyzes the…

Which Will It Be-- God’s Feasts or Yours?

The four fall festivals are upon us! They are to be experienced individually and collectively. For Who, what, and how are you preparing? God or yourself? Are you planning a spiritual vacation or will you allow God to mold you…