
Don't Be a Spiritual Zombie

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 1/26/20 Orinda, 2/08/20 San Jose Honor God by presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, which is your responsible service. -- Rom. 12:1 Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may…

The Spirit of God's Word

From the beginning, the God's law was based on spiritual principles. God's word is spirit. To be pleasing to God, we must live according to His way with an understanding of its spiritual intent - not just in application of…

True righteousness vs Self Righteousness

Taking a look at self righteousness in how it can creep into our lives and how to overcome it.


Mr. Salva looks at Strife in a christian life and what damage it can do to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Teaching God’s Way

Let’s be inspired now to prepare to be teachers in the Kingdom of God by examining four teaching styles Jesus used to reveal God’s truth to man during His time on earth. To prepare for our future teaching roles, we…

Peace - A Fruit of the Spirit

History has shown that man does not know the way to peace. As long as Satan has influence over this world there is going to be conflict, stress and anxiety. How do we deal with the conflict and stresses of…

Truth or the Consequences

How much falsehood can the truth tolerate before it becomes a lie? Satan has used his deceptive powers to pollute God's truth. As Christians, we need to continually seek God's truth through Bible study.

Abide in Christ

A brief look into John 15:4 where we are instructed to abide in Christ. The analogy Christ uses offers amazing insight into some of the dynamics of our Christian life.

My Client, the Law of God

Are you able to defend the law of God against all those who want to abolish it? This message invokes each of us as defense counsel for the law in the court of public opinion. Can you properly defend your…

You Go! I Am Coming!

God provided a blueprint for us to follow through His Holy Days. As we honor them, we honor God. Through the keeping of these days, we demonstrate our belief in God and Christ guiding our footsteps. Man reading Bible