
Living Sacrifice, Your Reasonable Service

The Apostle Paul, in the book of Romans, outlines what is the reasonable requirement and response to our miraculous call. We are to be living sacrifices because what God has done for us.

How to Fully Trust God, Part 2

On this Feast of Trumpets, elder Mark Vincen covers three remaining elements, in this final part two of his series, “How to Fully Trust God”: deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.

Becoming a Living Sacrifice

We know that sacrifices were a daily activity in Jerusalem until its destruction in 69-70 A.D. In our lifetime God has chosen us to become a living sacrifice. What are some of the requirements of becoming a living sacrifice?

Walking in the Image of God

Humanity was made in the image of God. As we come to understand this, we realize that we need to conform to God's nature as well. How do we respond? Based on Romans 12, this message focuses on engaging in…

Present Yourself a Living Sacrifice

Paul instructs us to present ourselves a living sacrifice. What does the Apostle mean by this statement? On this Feast of Pentecost, let's look at what it truly means to make yourself a living sacrifice.

Take Up Our Cross and Follow Christ

The Days of Unleavened Bread picture “taking up our cross and following Christ” -- but what does that mean?

Embracing the Hard Things on the Narrow Path

It's hard work to be a Christian. It has always been this way. But we have been gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit. With this power we are able to embrace and overcome the difficult things we face…

Are You Willing to Live for Christ?

Don’t just say you’ll die for Christ if you’re not willing to live for Christ. Those that live for Christ till the very end are ensured to be in God’s Family.

Are You a Sacrifice?

So much of our society today tries to avoid pain and personal sacrifice. The life of a Christian is one who is able to sacrifice. Are you a sacrifice?

Living Sacrifices

A review of Romans 12 on instruction to be living sacrifices.